What people say?
I was feeling stuck in business and emotionally, I needed support to get clarity in my personal life and to move my business forward to the next level. Working with Ioana, I received the support I needed as well as lots of good feedback that helped me get "unstuck". I was able to process through some of the personal issues in my life and separate them from my business. I was able to pinpoint and work through some limiting beliefs that were holding me back and move forward in hiring a VA, creating a marketing plan and generating leads for both client and partner prospects. She helped me with setting some healthy boundaries with family members and teammates, Increased confidence in my abilities/skills as an entrepreneur and I am able to see more clearly my strengths and improve in areas where I wanted to see progress. It was challenging in all the best ways and helped me get out of multiple comfort zones to move forward in a positive direction in all areas of my life. I am now able to value myself, my time, my skills and my knowledge according to what I am actually worth.
remaried mom of three, employed and businessowner
I want to share the enthusiasm that I felt from interacting with Ioana, who facilitated the adjustment and fast implementation of my personal and professional strategy to thrive. Ioana comes with valuable insights taken from her own experiences as a career parent. I felt both listened and understood, advised according to my needs and motivated to move forward at my own pace. I highly recommend Ioana to all those who want to face challenges as parents and professionals simultaneously. With Ioana the hierarchy of priorities make sense, the steps to achieve the proposed goals are more certain and the results are progressively materialized with serenity.
I. Busuioc
Single, expat fulltime freelancer mom of one
Auf der Suche nach einer neuen Stelle bat ich I.C. um ein paar Tipps zu meiner Stellenbewerbung. Schnell schaffte sie es mit ihrer Fähigkeit einen anderen Blick auf Dinge zu werfen, aus meiner Standartbewerbung ein Dossier zu erstellen, das Neugier und Interesse auf die Bewerberin weckt! Trotz meines Alters (58 J) schaffte ich es mit einer Bewerbung mich gegen die anderen Bewerber durchzusetzen. Ich bin I.C. sehr dankbar für die wertvollen Tipps und besonders für das Aufzeigen meiner Stärken, die ich als alltäglich angesehen habe! Ich kann I.C. jedem empfehlen, der einen neuen Blick auf Bereiche in seinem Leben sucht!
Susanne Bosshard
I had the opportunity to meet Ioana in a coaching session. The interaction with her inspired me to initiate an in-person coaching session. Ioana brings many years of coaching experience through her knowledgeable background from various perspectives. Her practical coaching methods are enriched through her intercultural personality and being a single mother. Every interaction with her is full of life, motivating and cultivating. As a coach she is very supportive, takes the required time and approaches the challenges of her coachee proactively. Ioana is a true holistic coach in all senses and a definite recommendation
Shreeya F
Fulltime working divorced mom
Meeting and working with Ioana over the past six months has been a turning point in organizing my priorities, needs and goals. Ioana combines valuable coaching and change management skills with deep compassion. Her strategies and motivatio techniques were a valuable asset to me.
I. Nasture
Married, mother of one, relocating into a new country